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Legal Disclaimers


Legal Disclaimers for registerlawyerdomains.com

The following legal disclaimer applies to the website https://registerlawyerdomains.com and any affiliated websites that may be linked to or mentioned on the website:

  1. Accuracy of Information: The information provided on this website and any affiliated websites is for general informational purposes only and may not be completely accurate or up-to-date. We do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of any information provided on this website or any affiliated websites.

  2. Use of Information: Any information provided on this website or any affiliated websites should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should always consult with a qualified professional before making any decisions based on information provided on this website or any affiliated websites.

  3. Affiliate Links: This website may contain links to affiliate websites. These links are provided solely for your convenience and to provide additional information. We do link to a website where you can purchase domains using the Web3 domains that we own, namely.  We are not responsible for any damages or losses that may arise from your use of these affiliate websites.  We may be compensated for some of the links.

  4. Limitation of Liability: We are not liable for any damages or losses that may arise from your use of this website or any affiliated websites. This includes direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages.

  5. Changes to Disclaimer: We reserve the right to make changes to this legal disclaimer at any time without prior notice. Your continued use of this website or any affiliated websites after any changes have been made indicates your acceptance of the changes.

  6. Use of Web3 Domains: We do not guarantee the information about the use of web3 domains.  Web3 is a rapidly changing technology and we cannot be held responsible for any suggested use of web 3 domains or any current uses of web3 domains.

  7. Registration of Domains: While we one the TLD’s listed on our website, we chose to partner with a third-party company to provide the registration for our SLD’s.  This third-party company is being compensated for processing the domain registrations.  They are responsible for providing all support for the registration process.

By using this website or any affiliated websites, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to this legal disclaimer.